A Wish for Chinatown
Hudson Street Stoop
66–88 Hudson Street, Boston, MA
September 2022
Design・Project management・Workshop Facilitation
Architectural renderings courtesy of Noah D. Garcia
My partner (Jacob Garcia, Likemind Design) and I applied to an RFQ by the Asian Community Development Corporation and were selected as one of three group finalists to submit a public art activation proposal for Hudson Street Stoop. We held a visioning session with a residents in August to ideate ideas and solicit feedback as a group. Our design concept, A Wish for Chinatown, was a nod to the rowhouse families displaced during the demolition of the 1960s Massachusetts Turnpike Extension. Part of the proposal included a community engagement aspect, where Chinatown residents would be invited to fold 1,000 paper cranes as part of a collective effort to bring the neighborhood longevity and luck. The deciding committee ultimately voted to proceed with another artist team.